Locksmiths South, CT – South CT Locksmith Store


South CT Locksmith Store South, CT 860-381-0154On a normal day when everything is going just fine, your life can seem to come to a halt if you realize that you are locked out of your car and the car keys are inside. It might also happen that you have lost the keys to your home and now there is no way in. Out of impatience, you might make attempts to break open the lock, or somehow get inside. However, such attempts are bound to have serious implications. Locksmiths  can help you out with the state of affairs and get you inside your home or car. Therefore, whenever you are in such a situation, do not waste your time thinking of ways you can break open the lock and call a professional locksmith. South CT Locksmith Store provides such services across area.

 Locksmith classification

Based on the major categories of locking systems, locksmiths are also divided into 3 major categories:

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Automotive

There are many services that locksmiths can provide to their customers. Some of them are:


In case the keys are missing and you feel that the locks are to be replaced overnight due to any personal or security reason, locksmiths  can re-key your locks. It can be done without replacing the actual lock in most locking systems. Only the internal parts of the lock are changed, thus changing the keys. The property owner will get a new pair of keys after the re-keying has been completed.

Lockout assistance:

In case of lockout from car or home, locksmiths can either open the lock with special tools or remove the lock completely. This depends on the locking system you are using. In case they are able to open the lock, you might keep using the same old keys.

New key making:

Lost your keys? Need a spare? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Our experts carry state-of-the-art tools with them that enable cutting of a wide range of keys onsite. Be it a simple metal key to creation of a transponder key, you can get any type of key made from us.

Lock installation:

For requirement of just fitting services for lock, service from well experienced locksmiths must be used. Only a professional can help ensure if the fitting is good enough to reinforce the premise’s security.

Call South CT Locksmith Store on 860-381-0154 for services from the best locksmiths in and around South!